15 Ocak 2012 Pazar

Irak Deplasmanı

Ben çok deplasman gördüm,Sakarya Deplasmanı,gümüşhane Deplasmanı,Milano Deplasmanı,Azerbaycan Deplasmanı şimdi de Irak -Rumaila Deplasmanı. Bu zorlukların bir kısmını yatılı okul ,askerlik,proje gereği vs gibi es es nedenlerden yaşadım. Ama bu anlatacağım adeta bir para basma projesi. Niçin içten yanmalı motor ve konvensiyonel enerji teknolojisinin 25 yıl daha değişmiyeceğinin ispatı.

Basrah-Rumaila çölü. ortalama çalışan 200 civarı kuyu var. Iyi çalışan bir kuyudan (kendi akışıyla yd dalgıç pompayla yd su basılarak) ortalama 9000 barrel/day crude oil+gas+water karışımı çıkar. Bunun 5000 barrel/dayi ortalama crude oil diye düşünün. ocak 2012'de brent petrolun varili 110 dolar civarında. bunu da yuvarlayalım 100 dolar/ barrel deyin. bir kuyudan bir gunde Irak hükümeti+CNPC+BP 500000 dolar kazanıyor demek bu.200 kuyu vardı şuan yaptı 100 milyon dolar/day. Hadi vana,boru ,pompa bozuldu tamirat vs üretim durdu de 85 milyon dolara düşsün. Dostum ,sen böyle bir sektör gördün mü ömründe? Rafineri gibi komplike değil..tek sorun drilling ekipmanlarını ve döşemesini sağlam yapacaksın. Degassing istasyonunda malzemeden kısmıyacaksın,rus tipi dizayn yapıp. paraya kıycan,,nolur ki 28 -32 inchlik gate vana,boru ,manifold antin kuntinden??

Şimdi,Irak'ın durumunu bir örenekle anlatayım biraz da. hani 9000 barrel çıkan petrol-dogal gaz karışımından artan kısım doğal gaz dedik ya .Evet TRde deli gibi para verilip elektrik üretilen kaynak.işte burda şuan doğal gaz treatment tesisi olmadığı ve daha sonrasında kombine çevrimle bunu yakabilecek türbin sistemi bulunmadığı için ve ham petrol daha değerli olduğu için (yüksek basınç,patlama vs nedeniyle doğal gazdan arındırılmalı)  doğal gazı her gün flarede yakıyoruz. 14tane istasyon var ve hepsinde flare sistemlerinde her gün doğal gaz yanıyor. Eğer kurulabilirse 800 mwatt lık kapasiteden bahsediliyor,,düşünebiliyor musunuz?  Ve Basra şehrine elektrik nasıl geliyor :D TRden jenerator sistemli gemiler geliyor..kıyı da fuel oil yakıp (35% efficiency ile) elektrik üretiyorlar.. Güler misin ,ağlar mısın dimi dostum? Sanki Code Geass animesinden çıkmış bir öykü gibi. Savaş başlar, kuyulara döşemek için miningi Brit*ny*lılar satar,savaş biter petrole ulaşmak için demining işinide aynı adamlar yapar,güvenlik şirketlerini de kim kurar. teknolojisi en ileri firma nerelidir bi tahmin edin bi de :) komedi aq.

The Belief and The Beyond

In the name of the Witholding and all mighty God

Note: This article is a combination of some readings,translations,feelings and experiences. Regards

the world is richful not in the aspect of meaning but in recalls.moreover,wisdom is sacred beyond to be able discriminate these two.

if you know exactly what you do,you always succeed. to succeed it,you have to know what you are doing.

we  confirm with logic,but find with intiutions.

dont kneel infront of unjustice,because by losing your right,you also lose ur honnor,too.

Wherever exists some grief is sacred.

if person is living,he should believe in something,if he doesnt believe in something,or for something to live, he cant live then.

belief is to learn the meaning of nature of the life,hence the person doesn't destroy himself,and lives it.

there is alot grief where there is wisdom. the one who wants to learn alot,has to suffer alot. A scholar searches for the death for all his life,hence the death isnt something awfull for him.

**the response of the belief includes the deepest wisdom of the humanity. and by trusting logic,I cant deny them. and all those answers just reply to the question of the LIFE.

From the creation of a butterfly to your inhilation system to a new born baby...from the human's all life spans to all human history their action,their bravery,their betrayal..everything is created by the eternal knowledge of Allah and governed by his wishful in his harmony...

For the whole beauty of nature and their fruits in the life,,,there are only 3 fees for all of them :

1)Zikir. Bismillah. (Calling his name,beginning everything with his name)

2)Şükür. Elhamdülillah (Thankful)

3)Fikir. (The idea)

Eventually for all these perfection of life,benefactions...His gifts and his mighty miracle..to think about them...

E.g: Kissing the hand of a servant of a sultan who sent you the very precious gifts,and forgetting the owner of the present is such kind of a stupidness. In the same way, thinking about the source of all these beautiful things as a result of nature,without any reason--pattern and forgetting the creature of all these,mighty God.

Eyy,my inner!! if you dont wanna be confused by reasons. Take by the name of Allah,give by the name of him.Start with his concent,finish with his way!

The fate doesnt give any benefit to some group. to the fair one is the same as to the materialist one. whatever to the good is the same to the bad. whatever to the who sacrifices for God is the same for pagan.
the situation on the earth is a bad one. hence,the people  are full of evil,bad feelings. during their lives,they have madness,bad in their heart.later the death comes.

Kuran doesn't belong to any nation or any privilege but all the people. according to Kuran,muslim is the nature of the humanity. 

"God creates human nature,perception..and all have been created with it. there is no change in the creation of God. here it is the only true religion."

respect to this,before prophet Muhammed,all sent prohpets said the same religion in the same origin. hence,the islam,since from the begining ,unknown times includes all human nature, history. the religion of all sacred prophets is the same in different time eras,with different names...but the mentality ,the core is the same..but they were spoiled,broken by human cheating and deceptions,cruelity  later upto the final sacred religion,islam.

moreover,relating to changeability of human requirements and times,excluding the fundamental and the core,but the details,applications,...the final version of islam-the sacred-pravda religion-- is told by Prophet Muhammed,and explained by Holly Kuran-ı Ker'im.

the struggle and information to see  that life is worth to live,even hopelessness is a problem of existansialism. but certainly not a problem of physcological illness.

the change is more related to how we make and realize our life than to see why we behave like this. the change requires ,the wish and determination (both requires irrationality) it is not easy to achieve this alone. hence one needs scholar,,succesful examples to illuminate his life ,to be example.

if one doesnt find a reason to struggle for it,a freely selected aim,then falls in depression. the people always live the tension between what he gets right now  and what he aims or what he has to get. hence Kuran shows the people who are searching the sacred peace,who knows that he is the creator of Allah that to be decent, to be fair. but Kuran never begs for the belief in Kuran to people. As a freewill,it calls people to use their nature,conscience to select. hence it advises people to Read effectively. "Read,think,comprehend and live it!"

Kuran releases the people's request for meaning from sleep,and  puts people in the struggle to search for meaning on life!

All philosophers,for the declariation of the meaning of life, they search for brighter,more harmonic,including ideas.
but none of them can move the big human community. because,the ability of a philosophy to describe the meaning of life is restricted.because he cant imagine not exactly how the world it is but exactly as he observes,percepts.

 a philosopher or a scholar,however he made big steps as a human to be in peace, he always describes his mentality, his experiences. hence this trying,this approach cannot include all the freewill,,all the human nature,the essence but some.

each describing meaning of life theory is based on understanding the person. and understanding the person is possible via to see the reason beyond the visible phenomena...which is to understand the world,,trying to understand it.
to make this happen,one needs "the information" to look himself, to the life and to the cosmos from another point of view.

the human nature doesnt only include the observations from the outside. moreover, infact people notice that,feel that  there is internal sense-existence. (conscious,vicdan,fıtrat,the essence )

at first ,one should realize that the essence is before the existence. ego centered life styles-individualism (like capitalism) or economy centered philosophy (socialism)  description of meanning of life theories and the essence (inner,,intiution) (fıtrat) can not match.

the understanding the priority of essence (freewill,conscience,,the sense inside you telling ur truth)  to existence brings you into the solution. creator of the essence-the all mighty, the idea of  Allah.

hence Allah creates the people and gives his human nature ,the essence and also the life opportunity.
as an example,,wherever you were born,,africa,turkiye or russia, the human was born as the same computer .
the essence  is both hardware (spritual-physical) and software.
but to be able to recognize this human-computer by user (human),usage,and keeping it safe without lost in deepless environment,requires a guide.

Allah,with the aid of prophets,speaks with his creators-humans (vahiy-Kuran) and sends guides for people to define and live according to Essence and the meaning of life.


to be able to make life valuable and make it meaningful,

to be able to make the nature valuable and make it meaningful,

to be able to make the world valuable and make it meaningful,

 is only possible to fit inside to Kuran which is the word of Allah,that harmonizes the essence of principles for all creatures on cosmos.

From the first prophet (Adam) to Prophet Muhammed,all the essence and the description of meaning of life is the same. Islam..
but failures,deviance...and needs for update from Holly One creates the need for all Holly prophets and tevhid,the word.

all prophets brought Word of Allah (the book) and the message is in each era, whats included to define the meaning of life for the people for those times,and presents a world description of expectation to requirements.

a proof to prophet Muhammed reality..his holliness from 7 skies,,from the creator of the whole known existence in the cosmos and the beyond. Allah'u Ekber

to prophet Muhammed, a person who doesnt know to read or write, holly response to Essence,the word of Allah,The Kur'an-ı Kerim is sent.

One needs logic to come upto a point,,to see the clues..to judge,to differantiate..,,but one needs intiutions,,conscious,,sense to believe in it..