yes,exactly PC style,lithium ion battery model :D
The most known future of electric vehicle is to have faster acceleration but shorter distance range than conventional engines. They produce no exhaust but require long charging times.
Martin Eberhard is the Engineering manager and Founder of Tesla Motors. The company was founded in 2003. Their plans to develop electric cars were met with skeptical curiosity :)

Martin Eberhard apparently says that :"" I’m not sure if we’re the beginning of the end of internal combustion engine, or if running out of oil is the beginning of the end, or global warming is the beginning of the end. But this is certainly part of the same constellation of issues. It’s time for us to find a different solution than burning gasoline.
Compared to the cars that existed in the nineties, the real difference is the approach we’ve taken. We’re not trying to make, as our first car, an ultra low-cost people mover. We’re trying to make the best car we can. With that mentality we have a whole range of technologies available to us that wouldn’t have been otherwise: lithium ion batteries, for example; designing our own custom super high-performance motor; our own highly efficient electronics to convert the energy from the batteries and put it into the motor. All of those kinds of things you couldn’t do if you were making a cheap car. What we’ve produced is a car that doesn’t ask the buyer, the driver, to compromise. It’s a beautiful, fun, quick car with a very long driving range that is appealing in its own right as a car, which is not what electric cars did in the past. You had to be kind of a hero to drive one before.""
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