"Statik ve dinamik niteliği aynı anda elde etmek. Eğer bilimsel bilginin temel olarak kullanılacak statik biçimlerinden yoksunsanız mağara adamından bir farkınız yoktur. ama bu biçimleri değiştirecek özgünlükten yoksunsanız daha ileriye doğru hiçbir gelişimi gerçekleştiremezsiniz."
Özgürlük bir anlam taşımaz.Özgürlük yanlızca,olumsuz birşeyden kurtulmaktır. Özgürlüğün böyle kutsal olmasının nedeni,insanlar onun sözünü ettiklerinde asıl kastettikleri Dinamik nitelik olmasıdır.
Statik bir bakış açısından bakılırsa sosyalizm kapitalizmden daha ahlaklıdır. Daha yüksek bir evrimleşme düzeyidir. Akılsız geleneklerle değil,aydınca yönetilen bir toplum demektir.Sosyalizmin itici gücü budur.Ama işin içine katmadıkları ve Sosyalizmin planını bozan,belirsiz Dinamik nitelik kavramının yokluğudur. Hangi sosyalist kente giderseniz gidin,bunlar sıkıcı yerlerdir,çünkü orada Dinamik Nitelik azdır.
Başka herşey gb insanlarda paralel halde,seri halde olduğundan daha iyi çalışır ve bu serbest girişim kentinde olanda budur. Herşey sosyalist bir biçimde,bürokratik bir seri halinde düzenlenirse karmaşıklığın artışı hata olasılığını arttırır. Ama herşey serbest girişim paraleli şeklinde düzenlenirse karmaşıklığın artışı Dinamik niteliğe daha iyi yanıt verebilecek çeşitliliğin artışına ve başarı şansının artmasına yol açar. Bu kenti etkin kılan bu çeşitlilik ve paralelliktir.
boğazından içeri hiç birşeyin geçememesi..sürekli içeri doğru bir gıcık ,akıntı hissi.. Hiç bir şey yiyememek,hiç bir şey içememek.tükürüğünü yutamadığın için,gece uyuyamamak. Küçük dilin şişiyor,boğazını geçş çapı daralıyor. böyle bir azap kaynağı. yaşama soğuttun be bülader,nasıl bir azapsın a.q.
The most known future of electric vehicle is to have faster acceleration but shorter distance range than conventional engines. They produce no exhaust but require long charging times.
Martin Eberhard is the Engineering manager and Founder of Tesla Motors. The company was founded in 2003. Their plans to develop electric cars were met with skeptical curiosity :)
Martin Eberhard apparently says that :"" I’m not sure if we’re the beginning of the end of internal combustion engine, or if running out of oil is the beginning of the end, or global warming is the beginning of the end. But this is certainly part of the same constellation of issues. It’s time for us to find a different solution than burning gasoline.
Compared to the cars that existed in the nineties, the real difference is the approach we’ve taken. We’re not trying to make, as our first car, an ultra low-cost people mover. We’re trying to make the best car we can. With that mentality we have a whole range of technologies available to us that wouldn’t have been otherwise: lithium ion batteries, for example; designing our own custom super high-performance motor; our own highly efficient electronics to convert the energy from the batteries and put it into the motor. All of those kinds of things you couldn’t do if you were making a cheap car. What we’ve produced is a car that doesn’t ask the buyer, the driver, to compromise. It’s a beautiful, fun, quick car with a very long driving range that is appealing in its own right as a car, which is not what electric cars did in the past. You had to be kind of a hero to drive one before.""
In-wheel motor: is an electric motor that is incorporated into a hub of a wheel and drives it directly. The advantage of in-wheel motor makes it possible to regulate drive torque and braking force independently at each wheel without the need for any transmission, drive shaft or other complex mechanical components.
"The fact that the drive system is housed inside the wheel itself offers significantly greater design freedom and also makes it easier to locate such space-consuming components as the battery system, fuel cell stacks and hydrogen tanks used in hybrid and fuel cell vehicles.
Lithium-ion battery technology offers superior specific energy, specific power, and life over other types of rechargeable batteries and as such is expected to contribute to higher top speeds, extended cruising ranges and to greater weight reductions in vehicles' body.
Mitsubishi Motors was one of the first automakers to start research into and development of the electric vehicle as an alternative fuel vehicle. In recent years, the company has turned its attention to the practical application of high-performance lithium-ion battery power to propel EV 8electric vehicle).
Exploiting the benefits of lithium-ion battery and in-wheel motor technology, the MIEV concept opens up new possibilities in terms of alternative fuel vehicle development. As well as seeking further possibilities for the EV, Mitsubishi Motors is also looking at the application of the MIEV concept to hybrid and fuel cell vehicles.
The main concept benefits: (1) In-wheel motor I. Further evolution of all-wheel control technology A major benefit of the in-wheel motor is that it enables drive torque and braking force to be regulated with high precision on an individual wheel basis in both two- and four-wheel drive systems without requiring transmissions, drive shafts, differential gears or other complex and heavy components. The in-wheel motor therefore holds great promise in terms of the contribution to the further evolution of Mitsubishi's all-wheel control technology that enjoys high critical acclaim on such production models as the Lancer Evolution and Pajero. II. Greater freedom in layout design Housing the drive system in the wheels gives greater freedom in designing the layout. This will facilitate the conversion of IC engine-powered vehicles into hybrid vehicles without requiring the introduction of complex hybrid power systems. It will also make it easier to provide room for space-consuming components such as fuel cell stacks and hydrogen tanks in fuel cell vehicles. The space-saving benefits of the in-wheel motors also offer exciting possibilities in terms of body design. Designers will be able to create innovative exteriors, improve dynamic performance through weight distribution optimization, provide roomier interior space and improve crash worthiness through optimization of the structural framework.
(2) Lithium-ion battery Lithium-ion battery technology offers advantages of specific energy, specific power, and life over other types of rechargeable batteries. Mitsubishi Motors has already built several test vehicles using lithium-ion battery systems, including the Mitsubishi HEV in 1996, the FTO-EV in 1998 and the Eclipse EV in 2000. The FTO-EV set a multiple-charge 24-hour distance world record on a proving ground, while the Eclipse EV covered over 400 km on public roads on a single battery charge."
look into my eyes you see trouble every day it’s on the inside of me so don’t try to understand i get on the inside of you you can blow all away
such a slightest breath and i know who i am
look into my eyes hear the words i can’t say words that defy and they scream it out loud
i get on the inside of you you can wave it all away such a slightest thing it’s just the rise of your hand
and there’s trouble every day there’s trouble every day there’s trouble every day there’s trouble every day
if i want you back i could get away before the sunshine leaves your eye but i need to know how to find a place before the days become nights before the years become lies
and there’s trouble every day
you know that i love again please make it start again
there’s trouble every day
you know that i’ll always hear the words that you never say
there’s trouble every day
this time it’s startling me the words i can never say
there’s trouble every day
you know that i’ll always hear the words that you never say
Are you interested in sicence-cinema-music-ART- by any chance?
" God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose perimeter is nowhere"
"eski filmleri severim, çünkü eski filmlerde hayatın o zaman nasıl olduğunu görürsün, hayatın ufak detaylarını. en güzel filmler daha önce gördüğünden emin olamadığın rüyalar gibidir"
Jarmusch,cooldur.reddeder,isyankardır-kendi tarzı ekolü vardır. Tüm bu özellikleri Cristopher Doyle görüntü yönetimiyle birleştirip bir de politik-bol metaforlu bir film çekerseniz The limits of control ortaya çıkar!! Dead mani,Stranger than by paradise,down by lawı anımsıyor insan bunu izlerken. Bu film hayatınızda ilk kez duydunuz detaylara değinmiyor,ama öyle basit,tesadüfsüz,hayali bir yumruk atıyor ki,sizin dünyanıza-bilincinize hitap ediyorsa zihinde çok hoş bir tat bırakıyor. Filmlerin ,özgün olanların rüyadan farkı olmaması,disiplin,rüyada mekanik bir sistem seyircinin anlamasını kolaylaştırıyor. babil mitinde insanları ayıran dildir. jarmusch'a göre ise (by any chance) birleştiren bilim, müzik, sinema == sanattır; bunlar insanı özgürleştirir.
Sadelik,görüntü yönetimine-sinematografiye aşık olmak,ilk 25 dakikadaki o inanılmaz sexy his,filmin sonundaki ölüm barizliği..Ispanya--ispanya madrid-sevilla! beve un caffe..
Filmde geçen her cümlenin bir yerde bir kez daha kullanılması..tesadüfsüz mükemmellik. bohem :)
La vida no vale Nada!
Gerçekten,yeterince bekleyen-problemi hisseden,sahip olanın çözemeyeceği sorun yoktur..
Hamiş: Imdb vs. gibi popcorn mekanlarda film düşük kalite diye oy veren,modernist-ben paramın karşılığına bakarımcı,çakma realist embesillere göre bir film değildir evet.
Wouvv...Sound of Tehran!!!...The movie really gets out of the medium's boundaries,cliché staff and establishes new standards!
from the eyes of many segments of iranian civilization..middle class-good conditions to undergrounds,poors,revolution guards,Haji,outsiders,fake passport vendors from Tehran!
Director Ghobadi uses kind of guerrilla documentary tactics to follow the story of Negar and Ashkan, 2 musicians trying to get their band mates and paperwork to london. Ghobadi uses the popular culture figures pretty good (dialogs in english,indie,rock star trip,metaphors) and adapts into where he wanna fit in his real plot!
The quality of the amateur sounds are amazing! The music played in the film is very powerful and the range is quite remarkable. bands playing jazz, pop, heavy metal, rap in both Farsi and English.Moreover, their sincerity is great :) really from the heart!
The story begins kind of establishing an indie band under Today'S iranian conditions and goin to London for a gig,also trying the debut in Tehran...
But things and cliché changes when the story gets detailed..Some real part of iran,emotions,conditions,life and whys??? get into screen.
They don't need concert halls. They play everywhere: from metro stations to cow sheds and for anyone who wants to listen. Music and lyrics for the young Iranians has become a desperate and which takes them into power, means of expression and communication with the world .
Art and music can thrive even under worst conditions.
In iran,people dont have the basic human rights..freedom to speech,,freedom to travel,freedom to select their style and freedom to music.
one underdog "(Cd guy Nader-cinema-music lover,kind of dealer ) tries to be the solution to other poors' problem without any benefit!"
This is Eastern civilization..without any expectations,benefits..helping somebody...
The end of the movie is also touchy,full of reality,kader....breathless...
Sometimes u gave whatever u have for some special aim,anything from ur inner.but things happen,it doesnt work and it comes out from ur fingers. you cant make anything,you just watch it how things evacuate,, it just goes and later, it just sucks one after another :S And believe me in this part of the world,i donno why, but things happen usually in this way...
One of the best 5 performance of the season for me.
Fun detail :
"Shot covertly in Tehran just 17 days, without permission from the authorities, "Cats" looks at the risk of censorship - including prison terms - faced by Iranian musicians and artists. Scouting was done using two or three motorbikes and the scenes had to be shot at high speed, so the police couldn't spot them."
All the actors are amateurs.
Bu nasıl bir hayvanlıktır,nasıl bir aşırılıktır,,animenin içine sokabilmektir? Böyle bir hayal gücü ama piçlik yönünde az görülür. Bu anime niye görülmedi tutulmadı,kült seviyesine çıkmadı anlıyamadım :) ?
Konu kısaca şudur: insanlığın tek enerji kaynağı olarak bokun kullanıldığı bir gelecekte geçiyor. tüm vatandaşların götüne takılı olan çiplerle sıçtıklarının takip edilip, karşılığında halüsinojenik ve bağımlılık yapan juicybar aldıkları bir sistem. insanın yediği şey olması uyarınca, fazlaca juicybar tüketmekten dolayı bazı insanlar ufak mavi salak sıçamayan mutantlara dönüşür (şirinler :D) ve outsider -harro yerine konulurlar.
anlatmak anlamsız izlemelisiniz. Çizimler filan da garip enteresan,cinsel figurler,anüs :D filan garip olmuş... stil :: weirdo ,indigo,kawaii,motosiklet,,psiko cyborg,absürd..
yönetmen küçükken şirinlere deli uyuz olmuş bileylemiş belli ağa!!
aksiyon 10 numero,absürdlük 10 nümero,zeka ehhh,,,çizimler iyidir...zaman nasıl geçiyor gayet güzel :D götünle gülüyosun
Modern İtalyan'ın kuruluşunu anlatan..Faşist-komunist,at boyu farkı,kimin nasıl,ne motivasyonla tarihe yön verdiğini gösteren,Bertolucci olunca da sade ama enteresan ,renkli bir 5,5 saatlik sinema şöleni...
feodaller ve köylüler kusursuzca tasarlanmış tarihi-siyasi bir fonda, komünist ütopyanın ilk tökezlemesinin öyküsü
depardeou ve de niro'nun gençliği de inanılmaz renk katmış filme. Bertolucci namını,tarzını yine vurgulamış,almış başını-estetik kaygısını girişmiş :P
donald shutterland faşist o.ç. rolünü deli oynamış.Ancak bu kadar sapkın olabilirdi bir karakter.